Due to the COVID 19 epidemic, orders may be processed with a slight delay


Thecodescripts.com is committed to deliver user order with good quality
packaging within given time frame. We ship throughout the week, except Sunday & standard / Government Public holidays. To ensure that the order reaches user in good condition, in the shortest span of time, we generally ship through our reputed logistic partners or standard courier agencies only. If there is no courier service from our logistic partners available in user area, then we give priority to ship user purchased items via Government Registered Book post or Speed-Post across India.

Generally, Orders are dispatched within 3 working days or as per the delivery date specified by user at the time of placing the order. Most orders are delivered within 7 to 8 working days (non-holidays). Delivery of all orders will be duly done to the address as mentioned by user at the time of placing the order on our website.

If user feel, user have received the product in a bad condition or if the packaging is tampered or damaged before acceptance of delivery, then we encourage our user/customers to refuse said courier package refuse to accept and return the package to the delivery person.

Also, we recommend our users to acknowledge our customer care at +91-8551904864 or email us at support@thecodescripts.in mentioning
user Order ID. We will personally ensure that a brand-new replacement is issued to that user with no additional cost.
In case of Return of product, that user need to make sure to keep all original product tag, stickers and packing intact while returning the product to us.

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